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Who says peace doesn't come in a capsule?


Reishi - the chill mushroom, holds hands with Ashwagandha - the zen herb as the ultimate PEACE-bringing combo.


This pair are seriously soothing, grounding and calming to the nervous system.


Supporting mood, sleep, stress and more!


Take a peep at reishi here and ashwag here for more details.


This bundle is discounted by 5%


NOTE: these are both in capsule form.


Please get in contact if you have any questions about these products.


Independently tested. No added fillers or starches. Non-irradiated. Packed by weight, not volume. These statements have not been evaluated by the TGA or FDA. If pregnant or breastfeeding please consult with your healthcare provider before adding these herbs to your diet.

Peace Bundle

Rating is 5.0 out of five stars based on 3 reviews
$138.70 Regular Price
$117.90Sale Price
Only 2 left in stock
Price Options
One-time purchase
Peace Bundle
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$112.01every month until canceled
Peace Bundle
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$112.01every 2 months until canceled
Peace Bundle
Subscribe & save 5%
$112.01every 3 months until canceled


    Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
    Based on 3 reviews
    3 reviews

    • Natalie DAug 26
      Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

      Wow. Just wow.

      By day two of taking the Jing, Reishi and Ashwagandha I was able to run around playing soccer with my 4 year old. It sounds like such a small thing but I honestly don't remember the last time I physically had the energy to actually run around with him. By day 4 I deep cleaned my house. Something that's been on my list for so long but again I never had the energy to finish it whenever I started. I have been less anxious and spent less time zoning out on my phone. And haven't even been taking these a week. But the very best thing. Today my 4 year old said "I like THIS mummy". When questioned he, in his 4 year old way, explained he liked me playing with him more. I could of cried.

      Kicking myself I didn't get these products sooner.

      Thank you soo very much!

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    • Angela OrsbornAug 27
      Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

      The Peace bundle - literal sanity saver have been taking this combo for 3 months and missed a week and completely was back to square one. These products really do calm the squirrel mind and the internal rattle of the highly strung over stimulated and assist in keeping you on an even keel.

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    • LouAug 31
      Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

      Wow, I am so impressed with these two products, I have been taking them a week now, just one each and night, and having an incredible sleep, no more night wakes to pee! No more peri-menopause wakes counting sheep for hours! Wake up feeling refreshed before my alarm! Highly recommended

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