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Goddess Greens pear smoothie


Smoothie in winter? You betcha! Just chill on the frozen fruit, alright?

And remember to chew it, it is still food going in that needs to be digested, so make sure you aren’t fooling your bod!

Make smoothies a meal, I could happily enjoy a litre for my breakfast. Yes, it may take an hour to get through, but that is ok.

Fruit is hydrating and healing and is not something to limit in our diet, aim for at least 5 servings a day.


3 ripe spotty bananas

2 pears, cored

3 dried dates, chopped

4 spinach leaves

1/2 lemon, peeled

Optional – 1 tbsp each flax, chia, hemp seeds

Water – approx. 3 cups


Place all ingredients into a high powered blender or Thermomix and blend until smooth.


If adding seeds, blend them first in a dry blender bowl/jug before adding the rest of the ingredients, they are far more digestible when ground.

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